University of Arizona
THE TUCSON WEEKLY, MAY 22, 1997 - Scarlet Letters - Public Relations Sleazeballs Go Too Far in Defense of the Latest Mount Graham Telescope Project
By Tim Vanderpool
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To date, in order to promote and secure its telescopes on Mt. Graham, the University of Arizona has made history as:
the first University to oppose federal protection of an Endangered Species, the Mount Graham Red Squirrel (Koffler, 7/21/86),
the first University to lobby for,…
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The regents’ divided and contentious decision now begs a transparent and inclusive review.
By Dwight Metzger
Just as good science requires more than a litmus test, good policy at the University should be accountable to review by many factors. In the wake of the Board of…
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Let the Mt. Graham Telescopes Proceed
The time has come for a group of self-serving extremists and obstructionists to stop trying to make the UA's Large Binocular Telescope on Mt. Graham as expensive as possible. I write in reference to the so-called Apache Survival…
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